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Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Day One

Mommy's physically tired, mentally exhausted,
and she smells like a dog!
But I love my new puppy, Ruffey, (rhymes with puffy).
My day started at 6:30 A.M.
We were supposed to sleep in until 7:00,
but mom couldn't wait.
So, we got ready, ate breakfast, and were
at 4Paws 45 minutes early.
I can see my daddy now just shaking his head.
My mom likes to be early...
sometimes way early so she doesn't have to stress
about getting there.
But we were early enough to get some photos,
get the best seats in the training room,
meet some dogs,
play with some puppies,
find Ruffey's crate,
and meet the other families as they arrived.
At 10:00, introductions began of staff and the facility.
I could go on and on about this facility...it's amazing.
There are a TON of dogs here, and a lot of workers to care
for them.
They even have "grandmas" that come in just to snuggle
the puppies. Mommy wants that job!
The next part was the best...watching all of the dogs
come out, one by one, to meet their new families.
Mommy had a few tears as some very special kids met their
Some kids were happy, others screamed in fright,
but I was very calm and brave.
I let Ruffey come close,
but I think he was more scared of me.
He kept hopping backward to get away from me at
first. But mommy learned from the trainer how
to "bribe" him with treats, and get him to come
close to me.
By the end of the day, he was lovin' me!
He laid down right next to me and put his paw over my leg.
I pet him, and grabbed his fur, and patted his back.
I smiled at him, too.
The trainer told me that I need to open my hands to
pet Ruffey, and try not to grab his fur.
I'm supposed to be gentle.
I think we'll be good friends.
He obeys very well when Mommy or Grandma tell
him "sit" or "down." Mommy learned how to put him in a "down"
and walk around him without him moving at all.
He never jumps on us, and hasn't barked yet.
He laid right down in the van, and
never moved while Mommy drove back to the hotel.
He didn't eat his dinner tonight.
I think he's a little nervous being around new people
and in a new home.
We have four more days of training.
We are all having a great time!